Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25

I went to Jon and Josh church today
I went there at 8
and it starts at 11
Spent my time waiting at the park outside the church
resting at a hut
and then a lil boy came by
I think he is lost
he came to the hut where I am in and took a lost and found dog paper
He started walking around and around and around trying to find a dog
I think he ran away from somewhere
so weird

while I got nothing to do
and I was so desperate for music
I spent my time singing too
I recorded me sing diff songs like 7-8 times?
lol quite no life

but anyways
I had fun in church today
after sunday service then Royal Rangers
tho I am not sure how their system works
but now I know
after Royal Rangers
sports time
I dunno what is that game called
but it's rough
and quite basketball like game
then later
Go Home

well may sound boring
but you will never know till you try;)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Work work work...

I am so stressed out these day
Everytime when school ends
I go home
and I will literally go to bed and sleep
i don't even have to wait to go sleep
that tired

so many work to do
so little time
teachers are giving us like so many homework
If I pay attention to homework
I won't be able to pay attention on my studies
thats why I have been naughty these day
never do homework
always kena tangkap

I really think that teachers teach us because we don't know
or too lazy to read by ourselves
but now that I am studying myself
teachers complain
our aim to study is to get our cert
get a great job
have a good life
but I feel like teachers wants us to focus on our future work than our past work
what about my form 4 work
without form 4 work I CAN'T do my SPM either
so PLEASE give me TIME!

I am sick of teachers spaming homwork for us to do at home
I really cannot stand it anymore

Please understand what I am trying to say=(

Monday, April 19, 2010

To Sean Kingston and Iyaz

Whats with the word SHAWTY
Are girls these days so shorty?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I hate People who doesn't stay true to their words>=(

Thursday, April 15, 2010

15 April 2010

The weirdest day
I played water gun in class today
but actually the reason I bring is cause
It's so hot so I could change it to a sprayer
and water particles will fly around

Then Koperasi meeting officially starts today
Good thing Jon is right on time
But I wanted to audition for glee
and I also don't feel like auditioning
It just feels wrong somehow
I guess I am just going to stick with Koperasi

I need food now
I am friggin HUNGRY

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Moral: Tugasan Harian

Pn Foo gave us our tugasan harian 2 days before the deadline
and the other class all know what to do since last 2 weeks ago
and she wants us to pass up 4 freaking tugasan harian this thursday

WT* is her problem
I don't care if she wants to freaking pass it up on this thursday
It's all her fault giving us today

friggin pissed...

Monday, April 12, 2010

12 April 2010

Today was a bad day.
I think it's the same compared to the other days
I will stay in class do my homework fast
and when I am done
I usually start syioking sendiri with my friends

I will start Syioking sendiri when the day is
Hot, Boring, when I am free and got nothing else to do
I need a better life

Had Ceramah in my school today
it's was quite fun
but Hot altho the Aircond is on
But cause the Door is open widely
Who the hell On the Aircond and let it flow out of the the room
it's stupid weih

Then go back to class
had Ekon
and here comes Eng.
Eng maybe my favourite subject BUT
Pn Suzina always targets me in anything
I notice her staring at me all the time

Ahh maybe I need to forget today and
Live a better life tomorrow

Hope it rains tomorrow=)